Mars and Jupiter In Living Color
/I feel like over the summer I've really started getting good at planetary photography with my cell phone. Over the summer I also got a new phone, a Galaxy S9+, and the camera is noticeably better. I can control the shutter and ISO of the camera even when taking video. This means I can really dial in the video, and I can now see color in the planets! First up: Jupiter! (with small shadow from Io!)
Sept 1 2018 - Jupiter IO - IO shadow
Next up: Mars! Mars has started moving away from Earth in it's orbit, so the whole planet isn't illuminated from our point of view anymore (like the phases of the moon). The new camera was really able to get the three dimensional sense of Mars compared to my last attempt. Actually the little dimple near the top of the image is Olympus Mons, the largest mountain in the solar system! At the bottom we can also see some white from the polar cap!
Sept 1 2018 Mars