First Real Success With The ISS!
/The International Space Station is not simple to photograph. It's moving, my telescope isn't motorized in any way, and I'm only using an iPhone help up to the lens. I thankfully have a small plastic holder that can keep the phone up to the eyepiece while I try to keep pointed at the space station. The iPhone only has some very rough exposure controls, so I tried setting the focus and brightness by first pointing at Jupiter. After a whole 3 minute video it turns out that most frames are a blurry mess, the frame rate just isn't high enough for how much the space station moves.
BUT! I got 1 single frame that blew my away:
Best ISS 3
The solar panels are clearly visible. The horizontal piece is the main truss of the station. The vertical piece in the center is the actual portion where the astronauts live and work. The two shorter vertical stubs on either side of that are the radiators to rid the station of waste heat.