Animation of Jupiter Rotating!

Over the last few weeks I had been practicing taking pictures of Jupiter with the mirrorless camera and I think I've reached a point where I can try something I've wanted to do for some time. Jupiter rotates once every 10 hours, meaning if you sit and watch it for 2 hours you'll definitely see the planet spin. I used and Stellarium to pick a very precise time, and thankfully the weather behaved. During the two and a half hours that I planned on being outside the great red spot was visible, as was a shadow of Io going in from of the planet.

I took about 50 photos every 10 minutes for two and a half hours. Thank goodness for citronella candles and netflix!

Each individual photo was 1/25 shutter, 12800 ISO through a 2x barlow.

The planet is so much more three dimensional and real when you actually see it moving!