A Peaceful Moon
/This week was the Presidential election here in the United States. After months of nonstop commercials, emails, texts, phone calls, and just general insanity, it's nice to finally be done with it and enjoy some peace and quiet in my backyard.
I noticed as it got dark tonight the moon was still just poking above the trees and realized I should take a photo. I haven't seen the moon in a while and it's always stunning.
I used my 10” dobsonian with the ZWO ASI290mc camera with no other lenses. I ended up taking 11 videos of roughly 500 frames each.
Each video got stacked in autostakkert, then those 11 images were turned into a panorama in windows photo gallery. Once i had my whole moon image I applied wavelets in registax, and finally did some brightness adjustments in GIMP.
This is one of my better moon images. Usually the panorama stitching process ends up using a section of an image that had noticeably less stacking applied and you'll end up with a very noisy section of the image. After years of trial and error I kind of have the procedure down now, and I'm really pleased with this one.
Be good to one another, and keep looking up.